Ukrenergo requested to be synchronized to the European synchronous power system

Publication date: 1 March 2022

Ukrenergo requested to be synchronized to the European synchronous power system

Ukrenergo is receiving technical assistance from RTE international

The Ukrainian transmission system operator Ukrenergo requested ENTSO-E on 27 February 2022 to quickly be interconnected to the European synchronous grid. An agreement for a future interconnection was signed in 2017, setting out the technical conditions for a planned interconnection in 2023. Ukrenergo is receiving technical assistance from RTE international experts to achieve these.

Accelerating the interconnection process

Ukrenergo’s request aims to accelerate the process to enable Ukraine to ensure the security of supply of its power system while the Ukrainian grid is currently isolated. Ukraine had disconnected its power grid from the Russian and Belarusian networks on 23 February as part of an isolated mode test to demonstrate that certain technical conditions have been met.

ENTSO-E said it was committed to urgently assessing the options available to ensure the safe operation of the electricity networks. The project initially included both regulatory and operational measures. In particular, Ukrenergo had to meet the requirements described in the various codes developed by ENTSO-E.

RTE international teams will continue to support their colleagues in Ukrenergo to enable them to carry out their public service mission despite the exceptional conditions.