Corporate social responsibility

Our social responsibility

Building the electrical world of tomorrow cannot be achieved without taking current social and environmental issues into consideration in the company’s strategy and in its day-to-day activities. This is why, despite the exclusion of RTE international from the criteria for submission to the Pact law, the company has included the Ten Principles defined by the United Nations Pact and organised around the following themes at the heart of its strategy and challenges:

  • Human rights: respect for the rights of all and working conditions conducive to professional fulfilment;
  • International Labour Standard: access for all to decent, equitable, safe and dignified work;
  • Environment: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and impact partnerships ;
  • Fighting corruption: mutual respect, integrity, ethics and best practice.

To reinforce its actions, RTE international is a member of the United Nations Global Compact.

Mutual respect and integrity

Cultural openness and mutual respect with our customers and partners form the basis of our corporate culture. RTE international is committed to promoting integrity, ethics and good practice within the company and among its partners. All our teams are actively involved in the fight against corruption and fraud in France and abroad. Any of our employees or business partners who witness an act of corruption, fraud or any other illegal act or non-compliance with the content of the Code of Conduct may exercise their right to alert via the following e-mail address:

The details of this ethics alert system are presented in Article 9 of the RTE International Code of Conduct.

Read the code of conduct

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a general challenge for all companies in order to meet the commitments made in Agenda 2030.

In this context, RTE international is promoting the integration of low-carbon energies into electricity networks as part of the projects it is carrying out.

In addition, only essential travel is carried out, encouraging, where possible, the use of remote connections for international exchanges with our stakeholders.

Impact partnerships


In November 2024, RTE international signed a partnership agreement with Emmaüs Connect, an association that helps people in digitally and socially precarious situations to access essential online services.

As part of this process, IT and telephony equipment that is no longer fit for use in the company but is fully functional and in good condition is regularly donated.

Respect for the rights of all & access to work

RTE international is committed to respecting international labour standards in all its activities. We ensure that our actions meet high standards in terms of working conditions, safety and human dignity.

We promote equal opportunities, diversity and non-discrimination, while ensuring that our projects contribute positively to local communities and meet international standards of social justice.

We guarantee respect for human rights by offering working conditions conducive to professional fulfilment, and we ensure access for all to decent, equitable, safe and dignified employment.

Gender equality in the workplace

The professional equality index was introduced by the law of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one’s professional future. It makes it possible to assess equal pay between women and men by measuring the pay gaps between the sexes and highlighting their areas for improvement.

Any company with more than 50 employees must calculate its index annually and declare it to its stakeholders and the Labour Inspectorate.

See the index results