Press release
RTE international and Unicorn have launched 3 coordination tools to continue the integration of renewable energy by strengthening the coordination of European TSOs
The large-scale development of renewable energy and interconnections is making the European power grid more complex. RTE international and Unicorn have deployed OPC, STA and Let’s Coordinate tools to facilitate coordination between the 43 ENTSO-E actors. Thanks to these platforms, Transmission System Operators (TSOs) strengthen the flexibility of the grid, as required by European regulations.OPC harmonises the European outage planning process
The Outage Planning Coordination Tool (OPC) harmonizes the European process for planning shutdowns for the maintenance of electrical infrastructures. The application presents the availability of the infrastructures of all TSOs in real time. It also assesses the cross-border impact of a potential outage and offers coordination solutions. The OPC platform complements the bilateral processes between TSOs with a pan-European layer, providing an overview of unavailability in a single interface.
STA ensures pan-European security of supply
The Short Term Adequacy Tool (STA) ensures security of supply at the European level. The STA platform primarily ensures that all input data is of high quality and is shared on time. It then provides adequacy studies for the coming week, offering decisive information to help TSOs ensure security of supply.
Let’s Coordinate coordinates OPC and STA tools
Finally, the Let’s Coordinate application provides a high-level notification and coordination layer for these two processes. All of these tools address the main services that Regional Security Coordinators (RSC) provide to TSOs under European regulations.
« This is another important step in improving the security of the electricity supply in Europe, especially in these times of uncertainty about the security of the supply. »
« We launched these three tools in May together with our partners from ENTSO-E and Unicorn. They will enable all ENTSO-E member TSOs to execute OPC and STA processes in accordance with the requirements of the System Operation Guidelines. »
Unicorn is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We are focused on providing solutions, which provide a high added value while also delivering a competitive business advantage to its clients. We have been serving our clients since 1990 and over the years, we have developed a number of high-end, large-scale solutions, which are being used to serve the IT needs of important companies in many of the key sectors of the economy.
Know more about ENTSO-EENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, represents 42 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 35 countries across Europe. ENTSO-E was registered in European law in 2009 and has since been given a growing number of legal mandates.