Regional Cooperation on Renewable Energy Integration to the Grid

Customer: Banque asiatique de développement (ADB)

Country: Central Asia

Period: 2017 - 2019

RTE international put forward four recommendations on regional cooperation to the Asian Development Bank to facilitate the integration of renewable energy in Central Asia.

Services provided

  • Output 1 : Grid reinforcement plan to accept intermittent renewable energy
    • Review of the countries generation expansion plans over the 2020-2030 period
    • Assessment of the balancing capacity reserve (FRR : Frequency Restauration Reserve)
    • Assessment of the benefit of having a regional cooperation by a with and without comparison through an optimisation of the reserve allocation between countries and comparison of the regional system cost
  • Output 2 : Regional cooperation framework to share balancing capacity reserve
  • Output 3 : Dispatching operation support tool and approach analysis
  • Output 4 : Capacity building