We offer a comprehensive range of training to help our customers tackle the challenges of the global energy transition.
Our courses, suitable for all levels of expertise and diverse backgrounds, cover a wide array of topics. We provide solutions, tools, and methods to keep you at the forefront of the ever-evolving energy industry.In addition to our standard programs listed below, RTE international offers bespoke training tailored to your specific needs. Theoretical courses are held in Paris and Lyon, while practical work and field visits are organized in partnership with the French transmission network operator, RTE.
Network Codes
The European regulatory framework is based on network codes, to which RTE international has actively contributed through ENTSO-E working groups. RTE international has also drafted these codes in countries such as Afghanistan, Niger, Turkey, Serbia, Cameroon, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Mexico, the Republic of Congo, and others, while training their staff for effective implementation.Drawing on its expertise acquired in France and internationally, RTE international now offers a comprehensive training program on Grid Codes, covering all essential operations for modern network managers.
Topics covered
The role of network codes
Changes in network codes in France and ENTSOE member countries
Grid connection codes
Codes relating to system operation
Market codes
Implementation of network codes
HVDC - VSC Systems
The large-scale development of renewable energy sources in transmission networks, combined with public demand to avoid the construction of new overhead lines, has led to an increase in the use of long underground high-voltage cables, the addition of dynamic reactive power support, and new HVDC links using underground DC cables. The growing penetration of power electronics-based devices in the grid has a significant impact on the performance and reliability of the grid. This requires improvements to control and protection systems, as well as a better understanding of dynamic behavior.
Topics covered
Basics of HVDC (high-voltage direct current)
First practical experience with EMTP-RV to illustrate the basics of HVDC
Introduction to VSC: AC/DC converters, basis of VSC controls, HVDC links with VSC
Description of the main equipment of an HVDC MMC station
Description of the conversion cell
Layout of transformers and arm reactor
Maintenance & French Method of Live Work
Live work refers to the maintenance of electrical installations while they are still energized. This method, developed and used in France for over 50 years, avoids disruptions and the high economic costs associated with powering down for routine maintenance operations on transmission lines and other equipment, such as electrical substations. Avoiding power outages, maintaining a high level of availability of installations, guaranteeing the safety of employees and third parties, and constantly adapting to technical developments—these are the challenges of live work.
Topics covered
A detailed description of the method
Benefits for maintenance teams and system operators
The implementation process
Challenges encountered in implementing the method and solutions.
Presentation of specialised equipment
Operating the network during Live Line Works
Suitability Studies
Managing balance and adequacy across all time horizons is one of the essential missions of TSOs. The Antares-Simulator software, developed by RTE, is an open-source solution that manages all adequacy processes, from very long-term scenarios to weekly adequacy forecasts at the pan-European level. RTE international has developed in-depth knowledge of the Antares-Simulator software in different contexts and has used the tool to manage studies for various types of networks and domains: https://antares-simulator.org/.Topics covered
The challenges of predicting system suitability
The different types of suitability study
The main principles of modelling a system with Antares using a market approach
The different simulation options and their impact on results
How do you fill in the load, sun and wind time series?
How do you use the different hydroelectric models and understand their differences?
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