
Consultancy for organisations

Consultancy for organisations

Electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) are responsible for transporting energy from production centres to consumption centres 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They must offer maximum technical performance at controlled costs costs, while continually adapting to new developments and technologies.

Governance framework

Tariff regulation

To fulfil their missions, TSOs need a sectoral framework that ensures independent, sustainable regulation based on performance and price transparency. A clear relationship between the State and national operators, as well as financial transparency, are essential to control budgetary risks and strengthen the financial structure of TSOs. We help network operators, regulators and ministries to implement or adapt this sectoral governance framework through of advice, training and tools tailored to the national context.

Setting up a sectoral framework

Setting up, adapting or reforming the sectoral framework is essential to improve the way the sector operates, attract investment and develop new sources of energy. We can help you strengthen regional integration, establish regulations and market rules, promote renewable energies, set up connection codes, and adapt regulations in line with your strategic objectives.

Unbundling of activities

Electricity transmission companies, ministries, regulators, if you want to create an independent transmission system operator (unbundling), we can help you with the studies and operational management of this process, including :

  • ●Management, finance, tariff studies
  • Accounting
  • Organisation and human resources
  • Legal and regulatory environment
  • Contractualisation
  • Technical

Delegated management

The French government wishes to delegate the public electricity transmission service via a call for tenders, in order to optimise the performance of network operators while retaining control of the public service. We offer our technical, financial and professional resources to achieve the expected performance under a network management contract, bringing our expertise to bear in order in order to respond effectively to collective needs.

Our references in consulting for organizations



For any additional information

  • Tour La Fayette
  • 2 Place des Vosges
  • 92400 Courbevoie FRANCE
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